
ACY0422 t1_jdjug12 wrote

My parents were teens during the war and would tell me about low flying aircraft doing training.
The Navy had an airfield in the Navy Yard until about 1960. There are still large hangers from the aircraft factory that was open until 1940.


ACY0422 t1_j9cum1j wrote

I used it a few times. Was there when it was built. I never felt good parked there. I only go to the airport a couple times a year. The lot on Bartram was not that great.

I still think that airports could develop cell phone lots to generate revenue with concession sales and make it more attractive and better enforce traffic laws on the ramps. But I think with all the retirements that the airport police is understaffed.


ACY0422 t1_j9b2bxy wrote

I worked at the airport a long time ago. I never felt comfortable in the cell phone lot. I worry about security as it is isolated place for a robbery. I don't like the traffic leaving it. I actually usually try to avoid the Arrival's road and have the person I am picking up meet me on the departures road. From the Wawa when the person I am picking up makes it to bag claim I leave Wawa and kill time circling International Plaza. I just don't like the cell phone lot.

Bathrooms and concessions for food trucks were suggested but shot down by airport management.

But I agree with OP something needs to be done about parking on I95 ramps.


ACY0422 t1_j98q32b wrote

That is been a problem for over 20 years. There were efforts to ticket cars but it seemed to go in fits and starts.

I usually wait at the Wawa on 291 in Tinicum. It has snacks and a bathroom. Lots of airports stop there so it safer than the one on Island Road. Almost the same time to get there as parking in cell phone lot. If possible later at night I have the person I am picking up and meet on the ticket counter road. Departing Flights.


ACY0422 t1_j3cfwa3 wrote

The so called improvements the city did to make Henry Ave safer in my opinion only made the street more dangerous. Slabs of concrete and curbs jut out. Traffic in front of these place is crazy. People park in the lane. There should be a light or at least a lighted crossing at Wendover.

I am sorry to see another fatal accident on this road.

I have stopped going there unless I see no lines and parking at off hours.