
ACoconutInLondon t1_ixasrfx wrote

>OP's gf might be being unfair, but it's not her fault and doesnt mean she doesnt care

The only thing OP has said regarding the GF is that she said he "ruined her night" that's why I asked the question.

I get what you're saying, but OP has said nothing about GF being concerned for him.

And honestly, given what seems to have gone down, to minimize it as "ruining her night" after everything else he did for her, comes off as possibly narcissistic to me.

Edit: OP said in a comment that GF is a keeper, but has offered no reason why or any explanation of her reaction, that's why I asked about length of relationship and whether they've been out drinking before. If it's a short relationship and/or they've never been out drinking, then I can see why GF might not give him the benefit of the doubt, but we don't know.


ACoconutInLondon t1_ix8auj1 wrote

How long have you been together and have you guys gone out drinking before?

If this is a relationship of any significant length, I'm wondering how your GF wasn't more concerned if she's seen what you're saying: that this amount of alcohol shouldn't have had this effect.

Edit: you said she thinks you had a psychotic break and is not concerned about you