ADHD_NO_PHD t1_j1doxrw wrote

Oh boy… I wish I could tell everyone about my experience growing up in small Christian-wannabe town turned “ghetto” (I hope you know what I mean) and also going to a private Christian school by a HUUUUGE military base. The evangelicals are INSANE and there are a LOT. Nervous and anxious to their core, never leaving their bubble.

This is what weed being illegal and alcohol being legal represent to me. The patterns are too common and precise to be a coincidence. It’s narcissistic to the core.

These private Christian schools are basically trying to raise mini-ceos. These are frat boys. These are politicians. They’re becoming doctors. This is white nationalism. This is what’s keeping weed illegal. I want to be wrong. “town hall syndrome” is what me and my buddies that have come to the realization call it