AFucking12Gage t1_j16dwwo wrote
Reply to comment by 1000Years0fDeath in The new Kitt on the block is...not nice by Partiallysensitive
I never talk about my cat but she allows me to pick her up like a baby once a day when I come home for about 30 seconds. Then she’s off doing her own things. It makes my fucking day as a 27 year old man.
AFucking12Gage t1_j0yijv8 wrote
Reply to comment by EVENTHORIZON-XI in TIL The Jewish mafia was nicknamed the Kosher Nostra by therealbeth
Which translates to “our thing”
AFucking12Gage t1_j6mat34 wrote
Reply to comment by BellyScratchFTW in The amount of people that do not know that a cold sore is herpes is surprising. by BellyScratchFTW
Happy for you, I’ve had cold sores since I shared a zippy cup at day care when I was three. It sucks, cause I didn’t do anything wrong, but you make the most of it and live with it.