
t1_jabcmbq wrote

Think on this…. Global governance is a terrible idea, as it leads to a very select few—the “elite,” living like “gawds,” while everyone else lives in a giant open air prison. Productivity and innovation disappear, markets and economies fade, and mass starvation and disease become commonplace—Hell on earth is birthed by the good intentions of fools.

Secondly, there isn’t only one best way, for anything. So who decides what’s best; the acceptable “right” way?


t1_jabbm18 wrote

ANOTHER ANGLE TO FATHOM: This world should be governed as it currently is, in the cases of countries with so called free and fair elections, but, instead of by the demented corrupt debased criminals we currently have, by HONEST, DECENT, KIND, EMPATHETIC, CREATIVE, CLEVER, CURIOUS SOULS.

So called “intellectuals” have destroyed everything good humanity ever had, and the sheep who listened to them are as much to blame, while being complicit in their own doom, and they have taken the rest of us down with them.


t1_ja9hx12 wrote

This will come when the end and restart comes. This will coincide. Almost all life, including nearly all humanity will die in tidal waves, earth quakes, and mudslides, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the last time this occurred. It’s all a cycle. Birth life death rebirth, and GOD is behind all of it.

Research the Younger Dryas, if you want real info on the last global reset….
