
AITADestroyer t1_j16nfpw wrote

Yeah, it sounds that way but you haven't seen a lot of robot CEOs yet. That's because unlike a lot of the redundant and/or menial tasks that are getting automated today what senior executives do still can't be done by AI. Yet. That's coming too, but it's nowhere near as easy to automate high level decision making as it is some repetitive task.


AITADestroyer t1_j15f7xe wrote

I laugh my ass off every time I see someone say something like this. I saw a post awhile ago where someone said, in a completely serious way, that all executives do is look at spreadsheets. Like, dude, the CEO does a lot, and just because it's often not understood by the worker bees doesn't mean it doesn't have value or that it's easy.

It's not just putting the right people in the right places, although that is a huge part of the job. It's about strategic planning, allocation of resources, aligning tactics to the strategy, process improvement, and dealing with stakeholders and other interested parties. To put it another way, the CEO can do the custodian's job, but the custodian can't do the CEOs job.