ANagyKecske t1_j24d1aq wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] Ten days. It was announced we had only ten days before the world-ending meteorite reached its destination. Anarchy and societal collapse in most regions of the world seemed inevitable. What we didn't account for was the supernatural beings that had, until now, been quietly living among us. by humble_nomad
Living where?
ANagyKecske t1_j24cvd1 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] You challenged Death to a game when your time came, not because you feared your death, but because he was the only one left you had yet to best by PotentialSmell
Future Magnus Carlsen
ANagyKecske t1_jaq94av wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] You are a werewolf trying your best to live peacefully among humans, but your SO has just proposed to you with a ring of pure silver. You genuinely love and want to marry them, but you also have to somehow get out of accepting this ring. by Kitty_Fuchs
Plot twist: they're a couple who have clear and healthy communication so the werewolf just says yes, but let's pick a different ring