
t1_jecuo00 wrote

In DC, for physical assaults that don't meet felonies and dont involve a weapon, we typically charge simple assault. For verbal threats or incidents like OP's, the charge would be misdemeanor threats, since no physical assault occurred and nothing about this meets the criteria for felony

Simple assault is not the charge we would use for this.


t1_jec7yd8 wrote

It would be threats. MPD typically does simple assault for an actual physical assault, and threats in a menacing manner or threats to do bodily harm (misd), or threats to kidnap or injure a person (felony) for non-physical threats.

From my experience with metro-transit they usually do the same.

Edit: it would also be deemed a hate/bias crime, which would prompt notifying the liason and a detective.


t1_ix4lgcw wrote

File a report. Make sure to provide a description of the driver.

Plates can be useful but I'll be honest with you: people who are willing to behave like that aren't likely to actually register their vehicles. Still, it's worth a try! At the very least you'll have a report for your insurance, even if the offense goes nowhere.

It's not uncommon for people to shrug off the offense but simply request a report for their insurance.

I'm sorry someone was a dickhead to you.