AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jdtq5pf wrote
Reply to comment by weavs13 in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Ya we blew past 24 hours earlier today. They are apparently sticking to the Monday at 8pm thing pretty hard, we are still without power.
It's not like the pipes will freeze or anything but the house is at 51 degrees and we are heading into night number 2 without heat. Everyone is bundled up, I think every blanket in the house has been deployed at this point. Even that really ugly one that someone's great aunt gave us as a wedding gift 10 years ago.
Sorry Aunt Edith, even if we never loved the gift we certainly appreciate it now.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jdspc1u wrote
Reply to comment by weavs13 in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Good call, she is always so stressed out this time of year. It really is a years worth of work in a few months
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jdsnuir wrote
Reply to comment by No_Pomegranate5209 in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Shit............ Why didn't I think of that.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jds5pgr wrote
Reply to comment by The_Year_of_Glad in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Thanks, I appreciate it.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jds11x5 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Year_of_Glad in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
I do have a small generator, I am rotating the extention cords between my refrigerator and chest freezer to keep things going.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jdrzezc wrote
Reply to comment by weavs13 in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Sigh......... I will have to ferry everyone to the grandparents later today for baths and showers. My wife and I both have staggered 10 hour days tomorrow and neither one of us work at a place where we can just call off either......... Well I mean we could but she does taxes and it's the busy season for our customers so while I could call off the only person we would be screwing over would be ourselves.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jdrvns3 wrote
Reply to comment by weavs13 in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Ya the Monday evening estimate was pretty awesome. That would be more than 48 hours for us.
We also have electric hot water and the house is on well water. The natives are already getting restless, I can't imagine what another day of no heat or water will be like. Especially getting ready for school and work.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jdrltvq wrote
Reply to comment by Nyus in Hey linemen/women - we appreciate you by HomicidalHushPuppy
Yep, Duquesne Light over here............. I know it's been busy guys but it's been 24 hrs now. House is getting pretty cold, fridge is getting warm.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jcoqsy7 wrote
Reply to comment by sirpoopingpooper in Levels of carcinogenic chemical near Ohio derailment site far above safe limit by Additional-Force-795
To be honest, testing Pittsburgh would likely be a joke.
With the regions history of steel mills and chemical factories as well as the Coke works and Shell plant spewing shit on a daily basis, that testing Will come back positive for something or everything.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_ixssnqk wrote
Reply to comment by DanielLikesPlants in Can i replace my broken glass counter top with polycarbonate? by DanielLikesPlants
If you like the look you can just scuff it or use acetone to frost the acrylic or polycarbonate.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_itwzdmq wrote
Reply to comment by mizu_no_oto in Why is 28 the most dysfunctional road ever designed? by sudosudoku
Dude I am still waiting on the HSR from the airport they promised us 20 years ago.
AWrenchAndTwoNuts t1_jduyvgh wrote
Reply to “Kennywood’s Open” by Fuzzy_Baseball9006
I said it to a guy in an airport bar in Atlanta once without thinking.
He gave me a blank stare and the bartender explained it to him.
Apparently yinzer gets around.