Hey mate, sorry to hear & it sure is stressful! My work involves a lot of bank deposits, so I have seen the occasional deposit in to an incorrect account.
As has been said already, account numbers need to be exact for it to go through. I'm guessing the account number you typed in is only a small typo, so chances are the account doesn't exist as it would all have to match an existing account with that bank (BSB, Account and Suffix). I would say chances are high of it being reversed - good luck!
Aaronlolwtf t1_j9coud7 wrote
Reply to tifu and lost $4500 by Old-Werewolf-2146
Hey mate, sorry to hear & it sure is stressful! My work involves a lot of bank deposits, so I have seen the occasional deposit in to an incorrect account.
As has been said already, account numbers need to be exact for it to go through. I'm guessing the account number you typed in is only a small typo, so chances are the account doesn't exist as it would all have to match an existing account with that bank (BSB, Account and Suffix). I would say chances are high of it being reversed - good luck!