
AbandonedPlanet t1_j9ud3sv wrote

I mean, aren't gas giants just "failed" stars that never got big enough? Why is this so rare if binary star systems aren't?

Edit: notice how my comment is in the form of 2 questions and not statements? It's because I don't know what I'm talking about. I didn't think the words "failed star" would rile everyone up so much. I'm sorry to have upset everyone and I hope I can be forgiven.


AbandonedPlanet t1_j1t9mrl wrote

I hopped off at the 6 for these very reasons. If I'm paying near-flagship prices I might as well just wait an extra pay period and get a flagship. It's going to have longer software support and better customer service. It's a shame really. They really looked like a promising "third option" for a while there


AbandonedPlanet OP t1_iupej9p wrote

Update - so I believe the issue is with the number row and something is wrong with the PCB. If I use per key and set the qwerty row on it's own I can get whatever color I want out of it. It's only once I try to involve the number row it becomes... wonky. It's as if the number row is interacting poorly with the row below it and causing the messed up colors. It's a shame but I guess I'm just going to deal with it.


AbandonedPlanet OP t1_iupaeog wrote

Me too, I already tried everything I can think of including the suggestion below of manually updating the firmware and I'm getting nowhere. If nothing works I'm just not gonna use RGB anymore I guess. I'm not sending this thing in it's got so much work done to it that I don't feel like redoing


AbandonedPlanet OP t1_iup8va0 wrote

So I noticed tonight that the number key and qwerty key rows were not showing the normal breathing teal color I have it set to at all times. The qwerty row looked like a dim white, and the num row looks like a greener teal. So I started trying everything I could to fix it, I did a reset of the firmware with the FN-ESC-F1-F3-F5 hotkey, redownloaded glorious core (I know) and then tried to just move the RGB around with hotkeys instead of the actual software. It seems like the keys only will allow the LEDs to produce teal-purple when they're set to specific RGB presets. Things like surmont will not display either of those colors, but things like the rainbow tracers will. Then I noticed something else, when I set it to the "per key" RGB setting where it only traces what you type, the num keys will sometimes light up the LEDS on the keys below them. I have no idea what could have possibly caused this. I just upgraded my PC to a 3080/new mobo/new OS and NVME and I don't know if that could have had some sort of adverse effect on it but I'm really hoping I can fix this because I just upgraded everything on this keyboard. New switches, lube, stabs, holy mod, stab foams, keycaps, the works. I'd really like to not have to undo all of that to send it in but I can't ask for help so if anyone has any interesting suggestions I'll hear them. Thanks for reading everyone