
Accurate_Koala_4698 t1_jansq22 wrote

It’s an interesting animation, but not having an easy way to see the results without manually pausing, and worse yet the final frame resetting to the beginning of the animation makes it challenging to interpret the data. It would have been really nice to have the results listed in order.

And am I missing something or should ED actually be DE?


Accurate_Koala_4698 t1_iwulli6 wrote

So if you were writing the Thalidomide headline it would have been “Drug that causes birth defects causes birth defects?”

And by misinformation you mean NPR is out to misstate the intentions of the bill. NPR is shilling for big slavery hoping people don’t read the contents of the article. It’s not that the ballot measure purported to be anti-slavery, but NPR expecting their audience to not look at the details…


Accurate_Koala_4698 t1_iwttkk2 wrote

How is it misleading? They rejected the amendment (factual) and reason wasn’t simply because of a face-value interpretation. The entire content of the article can’t go in the headline, and I don’t understand how someone reads that headline and concludes that “they rejected it due to support for slavery”
