
Affectionate_Fly1413 t1_j2cag8j wrote

There was this reporter and i been trying to find his report who wanted to know from venezuela and this is where i read it but honestly cant find it or the name. But he went in thinking the same but he gave more details on why he changed his mind. Like i said, we get things here that may not be the whole or even true at all. Media here plays along with the government. Things done to cuba im sure are done with venezuela. I just think to leave them be, let them show the world how socialism is bad. Like i said it be easier to pick up the pieces from a broken or even dead country.


Affectionate_Fly1413 t1_j2by2g4 wrote

We dont know the whole story down there. The US has done many shady things in south america and always hopes to put puppet governments down there to get cheaper resources. To me basically Chaves was a bad manager who started to spend a lot on social programs and didnt know how to manage the country well. He pretty much decided that Venezuela's oil was for Venezuela benefit and the US was not having that. Its more complex ofcourse but like i said, the US has done shady things down there and many already known. Even Fidel Castro was very good friends with Mandela because he approved what he intended for Cuba. If socialism is so bad then let them have it and let them fail on their own. It be easier to pick up the pieces of a broken country than close the doors for them to progress. Every country in the UN votes to lift sanctions except the US and Israel.

Let them fail. Lets see socialism fail and show the US how right they are.
