
Aggravating_Sell1086 t1_j1y9r6r wrote

Kids don't know what life is like as parents until they have kids. But people who get married remember what life was like before being married, after they are married.

I guess if you left home and got married immediately, though - this could be true. I spent a long time living on my own before getting married, and I definitely know enough to appreciate my wife.


Aggravating_Sell1086 t1_iy7hon3 wrote

>They don't dictate my life, but it is impossible for me to avoid it, and I don't like it

Lol - that's literally the definition of dictating your life. Maybe grow up and stop expecting the world to revolve around your inability to think for yourself?

Or you could just do what I do when something is irritating and incessant, and has no bearing on my life. Ignore it - like I'm now going to do to you :)


Aggravating_Sell1086 t1_iy4sr9m wrote

>how long is the run up to Christmas now

It's however long you choose it to be. We'll put the three up the weekend before Christmas, and start making the mince pies and other goodies a couple of days before. You don't have to have your tree up in November.

They start advertising package holidays on Boxing day. That doesn't mean we should only have a summer break once every 3 years.