
AgileBasil t1_j14dqv9 wrote

It is almost done. The Union is on the brink of collapse. The partys are breaking themselfes from within almost as furious as they are attacking each other. It took surprisingly long but representatives have started to vote against their own president. The first three imeachments were unsuccessful but the next will relieve the head of state of their duties. The chaos in Washington is absolute.

It's time for the final blow of evil.

The sitting president has corrupted their way to the top. People loved the stupid shit they were doing and elected them against their own best interest. They were born into generational wealth. Soon head of a unsuspecting NASDAQ corporation and Governor of state. Being relentlessly populistic it was a easy path to presidency.

Once the President, there was no reason to hold back any longer.They spent the first three years of their term to bankrupt the US. Blowing up the budgets of very "unnecessary" agencies. The EPA would in their eyes soon ruin the economies of coal and oil states. The train companies are now building infrastructure that nobody could ever need. The beautiful and spacious suburbs are being built into dense urban housing simultaneously killing off the downtowns.

Nobody thought it possible to reck this havoc in this short of a time. But the final blow of evil is still coming.

"Dear citicens of the united states!" The President started the press conference that could be their last. "We had a hard start and many crises the last year." They remarked smugly as they comtemplated the trouble caused. "But bear with me a little longer. I have found the solution to all our financial problems. The best solution. A great solution. The one and only solution. My solution." They marveled at the idea that in their mind would break the american people and the american economy. "Coming next week, cars will be forbidden to drive from 5 am to 10 pm. This will give our stressed system resolution from the fiscally depressing subsidies." The President heard the mumbling in the crowd of journalists. They imagined even if an impeachment would start tomorrow it would take months to reverse this destruction. "To facilitate this change, the tax on gas will be same as the states sales tax. Police will stop everyone driving and ticket them 10 percent of their monly income. Inractions will also mean impounding the car."

The remainder of the press conference was a frency of questions. Nobody could expect that harsh a cut in freedom in the country of the free.

The next day was the calmest the USA has seen for over a century. Surprisingly, the rail services have stepped up their game. Everywhere in the country the trams and busses were surring around. People took to the empty streets with bikes, strollers and everything they possesed.

(My real live train arrived. Gotta stop typing.)