
Ahkhira t1_jbjzmis wrote

Reply to comment by MeetLawrence in Is Vernon Hill safe? by [deleted]

When I was a kid, we were allowed to be at the playground in the park unsupervised. By the mid 90's, we couldn't take the youngest cousins to play on the swings without finding needles in the sand. I don't remember how old I was when I heard about the first shooting in the park. There have been several since.

I would stay away from that area if I could. Even though I grew up around there, I won't go back.


Ahkhira t1_jaku5e6 wrote

I live near there. Don't move here. High crime, no public resources, it's not safe to go out at night. You can smell raw sewage all summer long. If you have children, DO NOT put them in the public school.


Ahkhira t1_izc3pto wrote

FIOS is incredibly disappointing. I've had both FIOS and Spectrum, and Spectrum is the best by far. FIOS never delivered the advertised speed and outages were quite frequent. Lots of hidden fees too.

Comcast is actually better than FIOS, and that's not saying much considering that my AT&T 5G is better than Comcast.


Ahkhira t1_itifl3t wrote

Reply to Stolen bike by pezhed540

Never leave a bicycle unattended in the city. Locked or not, it WILL disappear.

We need better bike infrastructure in the city. We need more bike lanes, and much more secure storage for commuter bikes. We also need more bike to bus and bike to rail transportation options.

I hope you find your bike.


Ahkhira t1_it0mv6z wrote

I grew up near a part of the old Boston-Albany grade that was lost in a flood back in 1955. I spent many years running horses up a couple miles of leftover track bed, and that's what spawned my interest in railroad history, and also local history.

The section of the railroad that I lived near was destroyed by a flood in 1955. Unfortunately, the railroad never could have been rebuilt after that flood. The flood devastated several towns, and many lives were lost. The river literally moved itself, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers came and built the dams and the watershed that we have now. It was proven quite necessary. At least twice in my lifetime, I've seen the high water mark changed. If that dam wasn't built, I don't even want to think of the losses the local area would have sustained.

You can come visit and find old remnants of what was the Boston-Albany line if you know where to look. There is still some active freight railroad in the area, but it's a shadow of what it used to be.

Most of the rail near my house is now a rail trail. There are many fragments of rusted rails, rotten ties, old cinder trackbeds, steel trestles, and even some stone bridge abutments.

If you walk along the trail in the early morning fog, let your mind fade into black and white, breathe deeply, and let your imagination go, you can see the old steam locomotive coming through the old stone bridge by the river....


Ahkhira t1_ir3mu18 wrote

Good luck with anything but Spectrum. Been there, done that, tried everything else.

In the middle of a blizzard, even when I lose power, I can fire up the generator and still have cable and internet. FIOS barely works on a sunny day with no wind.

With Spectrum I can have 5 devices all streaming and no issues. No other service can do that.