
Aj_lilroc t1_iw6h310 wrote

I'll give you ah story that happened to me. My job requires me to carry a gun and I have a permit to carry. My car broke down so I had to catch the bus home. Two teens approached me with a knife and tried to rob me. I'm in uniform gun permit attached to my shirt, empty holster on my belt and my gun in my gun bag over my chest, with the words Smith and Western across the bag. I had a .40 Smith and Western semi-auto loaded with two extra clips on the side pocket. I didn't say anything to the kids because I thought it was obvious that I wasn't the guy to fuck with but it took this two three bus stops of me saying this ain't what you want, and you really need to think about this before this gets ugly, for them to understand the dynamic of their situation. I saw the realization in their eyes and they ran off the bus.

All of that to say kids are dumb and when you raise kids in a harsh environment you get shit like that, and what happened to you. My advice is to stay away from them if you see them don't worry about if you offend anybody worry about your safety first