AkagamiBarto t1_j8j5qke wrote
Reply to [image] The happiness equation by crm_expert
You can also try to drag reality towards your expectations eh. Way more difficult, often unethical (but not always)
AkagamiBarto t1_j1a0vso wrote
Reply to comment by GenericUsername2056 in Why do we use phase change refrigerants? by samskiter
>Phase changes occur at fixed temperatures.
This is true, but the main point is that they occurr both at fixed temperature and pressure.
You can have an isotherm with a gas, but it won't be at the same pressure at all (pressure will change continously), which is a pain to deal with.
AkagamiBarto t1_itz8fok wrote
Reply to [Image] Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it. by sylsau
Sorry, can't do that. I'll not settle, but i can't vhoose either.
AkagamiBarto t1_itz7e77 wrote
Reply to Most of society’s problems derive from people holding everyone else to higher standards than they hold themselves by Scatterbrained247365
Most of society problems come from a few people (rich, powerful) holding everyone else to lower standards than they hold themselves.
A few problems come from what you said tho.
AkagamiBarto t1_itz3thd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How can the chicks breathe in their shell? by You_Smiled
A word can be a common word in a language and a specific word in scientific terminology tho
AkagamiBarto t1_irvoz6m wrote
Reply to comment by Extremely-Bad-Idea in Solar Rollout Rouses Resistance in Europe’s Countryside: Regulations meant to protect green space block the installation of solar panels despite soaring energy prices by CannoliIntoPussy
I agree. They don't want to do it because it costs more.
AkagamiBarto OP t1_iro0bty wrote
Reply to comment by Goldey-The-Hamster in Me, by me by AkagamiBarto
I'm actually out of shape, i used to be better at drawing them
AkagamiBarto OP t1_irnutbx wrote
Reply to comment by Azathoth_the_idiot in Me, by me by AkagamiBarto
If you want this is originally an "envy" concept. Mutuated partially from envy of full metal alchemist.
AkagamiBarto OP t1_irnhih8 wrote
Reply to comment by InYoGirlMouth in Me, by me by AkagamiBarto
AkagamiBarto OP t1_irmvfy8 wrote
Reply to comment by marionristov111 in Me, by me by AkagamiBarto
First iteration i guess c:
Submitted by AkagamiBarto t3_xzej82 in creepy
AkagamiBarto t1_j8n1hds wrote
Reply to comment by Rear-gunner in New study examines Leonardo da Vinci's experiments on gravity by Rear-gunner
Hopefully sci hub will work to open the article.