
Albuquicky t1_iuk8n3u wrote

Ok OP this used to be me with my parents and I can tell you it did not turn out well! When I had kids my mother undermined me at every turn and I ended up moving over 300 miles away because it got so bad. I shit you not, my mom told me that my husband and I could move but she thought I should leave the kids with her to raise!! It did not stop there. She has been trying to get my oldest to come back and live with her (she favors him over the other two children) and he's staying with them due to helping my father with remodeling the house but she's been trying to put thoughts into his head about getting a job there. Which I then have to shoot down with him first then he fires back "well Grandma thinks..."

Unless you want to spend the rest of your relationship hearing "my parents think/Grandma/Grandpa thinks..." nip it in the bud now with your girlfriend. I swear she will resent them no matter how close she is with her parents right now. My mother was my best friend all my life and now I've repeatedly fighting with her. You both need to set boundaries because this is not healthy.