
AlexFarkas t1_iusw3zb wrote

Intelligence is not everything.

Unfortunately, most of humanity has forgotten this important truth and only a few of us can maintain our way of life in this world.

Growing up, I was always of average intelligence, surrounded by hordes of geniuses who believed their intelligence was everything. They believed that information was the only thing that mattered. I was different.

I was always the only one who could apply the information I was given in practical ways, making decisions that others couldn't and making sure they didn't just think of the best ways to help others. It turns out that empathy is not a trait of geniuses at the best of times.

I was the most outstanding student of my generation because I dared to challenge what I was told.

It was hard at first because everyone looked at me like I was a piece of garbage, but that reinforced my attitude and made me someone who was willing to do things no matter what anyone told me.

It also benefited me that I had physical abilities that many of my "peers" didn't have. Just being in a fit physical condition turned out to be a good quality for me.

I first worked in a food production company and improved production and product quality by 500%. No discussions for what kind of food to produce and generate nothing, just produce quality and efficiency for all people.

Then I was hired at a vehicle manufacturer and eliminated the multi-purpose vehicles that no one could afford, replacing it with several vehicles at cheaper costs and easier to produce.

Then there was the recycling project where I was able to generate 300% efficiency, cleaning up junkyards in a matter of months and obtaining an unprecedented amount of resources.

Now I am part of the planetary council together with the other 9 world leaders, where I am still the most important member.

I am the one who generates the most results, obtaining a rate of planetary development never seen before.

Now our star travel project is advancing at a rate never seen before in the last century. Estimates say that with all these advances, we will be able to reach other solar systems in 5 years.

Intelligence and wisdom is what makes a great leader and now I must finish my greatest project, to ensure that the rest of humanity follows in my footsteps to prevent us from returning to the years of stagnation and endless meaningless debates.

My son is the first sign that there is hope when he said exactly the same thing I did at his own age. "If you always debate and never come up with a solution, then we are a bunch of idiots with a lot of books."

The future looks bright.