
Alex_gold123 t1_jda2h4x wrote

Little boy

Nori looked out of his cave. He didn't see anyone outside, so he hurried back inside. He was allowed to look outside of the enclave, but he must never set foot outside, for there were many dangers outside.

He stared at a little puddle, noticing his reflection. He was about a foot tall, wooden in nature with beads for eyes. He was, in fact, a figurine.

He didn't know how he was born. One day, there was nothingness. The next there was consciousness.

The cave was filled with scars of nature, whittling away at the walls - trying to tear the cave down. But no matter how much water tried to seep into the cracks and tear the cave apart, it refused to be broken but instead stood solid.

Nori hoped to one day be tall and solid like the enclave. He even talked to it as a friend. For the cave was his friend because he had no one else.

Nori talked to the cave now, "How are you doing ? I'm doing well, thank you very much. I managed to find the exit again after wandering through your tunnels. But I'm sure you haven't revealed all of your secrets to me. Why don't you tell me, instead of keeping it hidden. " He waited but as usual, there was no reply.

He realized that he wouldn't want the cave to tell him its secrets even if it did talk. He liked an air of mystery.

"I'm going back in", He said to the cave. He wanted to see if there was another exit out of the cave. Some nice place that the cave wasn't telling him. He would find it and they'd both have fun in that place together.

With a pep in his step, he stepped back into the maze of tunnels that made up the cave.



Alex_gold123 t1_ja8p8lh wrote

I had no fervor in life. Life seemed to me a way to flounder around from place to place. I was a freight, and I carried life around with me.

Someone once told me, to feed the fire! But I have hardly any embers left in me, the life burning the fire away.

For I search for things to be fluent in, to pass the time. All the time wondering if this was all there was.

But something in me tells me to carry on. For if life won't let me live, then I'll live in spite of life.

(Wc: 99 words)


Alex_gold123 t1_j82o1jk wrote

Death was facing a dilemma. There were too many people coming into the underworld. "Now what are the humans up to now ?", He said to himself. He liked talking to himself. He rarely interacted with someone worth talking to so he found that talking to himself broke up the monotony that was his work.

Death glided up to Earth and saw what was going on. "Looks like there's been a war. A nuclear one at that. no wonder so many people are dying. " He roamed around the sky, riding his black horse, noticing what was going on.

"Well this is not good. If the last person dies, I die as well. " He noticed that there seemed to be just a small number of people left living on an island out in the middle of nowhere ocean.

"Looks like the war hasn't touched this place yet. "

He descended down on the island. There was not much food on the island the people on the island were all were acting restless. Death decided that he needed to grow some food first.
He put his hand into his pocket and brought out seeds that he carefully planted into the ground. When they were grown, everyone was amazed by the sudden abundance of food that was prevalent that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

He saw to it that no bad weather ever came near the island. If a storm ever tried to come close to the island, he chased the storm away. He would make it so that there was enough rain but not too much so that the rivers would flood and destroy everything.'

The final thing that he did that he considered a bit risky was to prevent accidents from happening. As Death himself, he knew when an accident would cause a death from a mile away and so could easily prevent the accidents from happening in the first place. People that fell down cliffs somehow miraculously survived. People weren't affected by snake bites in the least and people ate fruits without fear of them being poisonous to them as well.

People started noticing this happening to them and so wisely decided that a God was responsible for it. Since the God helped people live, they decided that the God would be called Life - much to Death's chagrin.

"Just you wait" said Death. "You people become more populous again and we'll see if you'll call me life once more."

But that day never came. There was one thing that Death could not do - and that was give the people more babies. Generation after generation less babies seemed to be born. Nothing Death did seemed to be able to stop that.

He tried to stop the decline over a couple thousand years, but nothing he did seemed to work. Finally he was right back to a handful people.

"Oh well. " Death said. "I did whatever I could. In fact, I feel like protecting this island was more fulfilling to me than taking the souls to the underworld. I'll die knowing that I don't have regrets. "

And when the last human died, Death closed his eyes and was no more.


Alex_gold123 t1_j4tgdd3 wrote

"Your sibling will one day rule the US. He will be a very influential politician and he will enact a lot of policies making him one of the most popular presidents in the history of America."

I rolled my eyes. Max was five years old. I doubted that he could tell the difference between left and right much less become the president of the greatest country in the world.

"Well that's all really nice about my brother. Let's get back to my life. You said that it would be a boring life. "

The fortune teller nodded. She was an old women with a wrinkly appearance who was staring at the crystal ball in front of her.

"What do you mean by boring ?"

The fortune teller looked at me a bit confused, looking away from the ball. "What do I mean by boring ? Well you'll have a wife, live in a house and work in a job you don't particularly like till you're dead. "

"So I will get married in the future ? And I'll get a house. "

"Well, yes. You will. "

"A wife and a house isn't too boring now is it ?"

"Lots of people have wives and houses " she argued. "Only a few become presidents. "

"Yes, yes. But just because lots of people have a thing, does that make the thing boring ? And anyways, I won't have the same wife as other people. I won't have the same house as other people. Both of them are unique. "

"Well, yes. In a certain sense. " the fortune teller conceded. "But it's boring compared to being the president"

"Well I find it in poor taste that you would call my wife boring"

"You haven't even met her yet"

"Well I wouldn't marry someone who isn't boring."

"Well no, she isn't boring in a sense." The fortune teller said, "but when compared to being the president... "

"My wife cannot be compared to anyone. She's incomparable"

"Like I said, you haven't even met her yet."

"Well when I meet her, I'll know she's incomparable. And i'll be happy with her. And we can have fun together. I'd love to play chess with her and go on trips together. Will that happen ?"

"Yes, those things will happen"

"Then that doesn't make my life boring does it ? If it makes me happy, who cares if other people find it boring.Thanks a lot for this. Here's your fee. "

And with that I left the fortune tellers shop, feeling really pleased with how my life would turn out to be while leaving a rather stunned fortune teller behind.