
Alib668 t1_j316c54 wrote

Technically just needs phosphorus and an oxidiser source which supplies the oxygen while its underwater water proof matches and underwater welding equipment are testimonials to such things happening in real life… the meme does have some merit


Alib668 t1_iuqpsyc wrote

The main issue is these questions come off as agreesive, all that will happen is they will devolve into kid behaviour to under mine the question. So what you need to do is be prepared for that. As the last long person said OWN this shit. Ultimately their powers are humilating u, frustrating u, pushing you. All these are ultimately rooted in you outward expressions not externally to you which means its you who has control.

When they try to belittle by going all kiddy on the questions or shouting back and getting agreesive. Keeping calm is the biggest thing. It shows control, it shows who is in charge.

Questions like “im gat whats his excuse” is a great one, “ yeah ok so a joke usually has a punchline, this seems like 3months of love letters isnt that weird?” “Mate, he kissed me isbt that gay too? ;p” Will also hell control the natrative, remove the humilation. This is all about how you react to them and at its core its in your control