Agreed. I have no data on the faculty vs administrative ratio from 50 years ago to today, but at my college just in the last decade or two, the number is pretty telling, and is a peek into where that increased tuition money is actually going. I can assure everyone that it isn’t dumped into faculty salaries!
AllThatsFitToFlam t1_j8htokc wrote
Reply to comment by magnetichira in College Tuition Has Outpaced Inflation by More Than 3x Over the Last 40 Years by ThePinkHulk
Agreed. I have no data on the faculty vs administrative ratio from 50 years ago to today, but at my college just in the last decade or two, the number is pretty telling, and is a peek into where that increased tuition money is actually going. I can assure everyone that it isn’t dumped into faculty salaries!