
t1_j9v70r5 wrote

In an early press conference, DeWine said both he and Shapiro were given the options by Norfolk Southern, and "they" decided to move forward with the vent and burn. Skip to 7:20 for DeWine's opening remarks.

But I can't find any information on who actually has the authority to make that decision. Even if both governors support the plan, is it their call to make? Or is that decision up to Norfolk Southern, EPA, NTSB?

I can't tell if DeWine is saying he and Shapiro gave official approval for NS to process with the vent and burn, or is he saying both he and Shapiro were advised of the plan and did not object to it? That's the biggest question: in what capacity did Shapiro and DeWine actually "approve" of the plan?


t1_iyo63ox wrote

>>shoot down

>>I never said to discharge a firearm

So what type of James Bond-esque gadgets are you carrying around that you're planning to "shoot" at the drone?

Might want to Google your idea first. Even if the drone pilot is breaking the law, you're also breaking the law by shooting down the drone. It's illegal to shoot down a drone, even over private property, basically everywhere.

The best thing to do is figure out who the pilot is, record time, location, etc. data, and report it to the FAA.


t1_iyo35ea wrote

>Shoot down the fucking drone, fuck that guy and fuck the cops too

Discharge a firearm in a residential area while trying to hit a moving target that's flying around in the air, and if you miss (hint: you'll miss), then the bullet is going to fly off into the distance, and you have no idea where it's going to land?

Yeah, that's definitely the logical approach.



t1_iyo2l60 wrote

The FAA has a field office in Philadelphia. Give them a call.

It's illegal to use drones to spy on people. It's also illegal to be flying over an active roadway with motorists who are not aware a drone is operating overhead.

If he has a registered drone, it will be easy enough for the FAA to determine who it was. Seriously, look up their field office and make a report. They will not fuck around and this guy is looking at serious fines if caught.

If you want more details, shoot me a PM.