Almostawardguy t1_j3tl9as wrote
Reply to comment by Belawzi in The ozone layer is on track to recover in the next 40 years, the United Nations says by ascendingthemountain
Just because you don’t have an understanding of the ozone layer, doesn’t mean that other people don’t. This is a very very week argument that you can apply to anything “how fickle we are to think we can truly understand trigonometry”. If you are interested I strongly suggest you start looking up/studying the subject
Almostawardguy t1_j3tci7w wrote
Reply to The ozone layer is on track to recover in the next 40 years, the United Nations says by ascendingthemountain
Good, I’ve really missed their music, although I think they might be to old to make any music in 40 years time seeing as they will be like 80/90 years old
Almostawardguy t1_j3m3h2h wrote
Reply to Lab-grown retinal eye cells make successful connections, open door for clinical trials to treat blindness by chrisdh79
I did not see this coming
Almostawardguy t1_j3tlybz wrote
Reply to comment by Berylan in The ozone layer is on track to recover in the next 40 years, the United Nations says by ascendingthemountain
Yes 200 years ago we were not damaging the ozone layer. You’re starting to get it. If you miss how life was 200 years ago you can sign out of Reddit, put down your smart phone and go wash your clothes by the river