
Amethyst7834 t1_ir61cy2 wrote

Women are more free and have more rights in the WEST than any other country in the world or than any other time in history. Also, I've had plenty of women in my life (and still do) and thankfully am very succesful as well, nice try though.

The only one that seems to be bitter and mad here is you. Shouldn't you be planning the next biased, opinion piece of propaganda you are going to teach the students?


Amethyst7834 t1_ir3f5vc wrote

I said I don't get my news from any of that crap. Did you just say "Russian" disinformation? Yea, you are def deep down that rabbit hole. Get out of that hole you are in and do some real research or are you really that blinded by your political bias? The only threat to society is not some idiots with a MAGA hat, it's leftist ideology, it's this 100 gender nonsense, wide open borders and defund the police utopian stupidity the democrats have adopted. Oh and this is coming from someone who used to vote democrat back in the day. Poor kids, you are probably one of those indoctrinating your students and the parents don't even know about it.


Amethyst7834 t1_ir1i5hh wrote

If you think half naked women twerking is not detrimental for society and the young folks idk what to tell yoi, common sense is missing there. Truth is social media is killing Western society, period. I also believe this was done by design, not simply by being a biproduct of the times.