
Amyx231 t1_j74s1qn wrote

Plastic parts wear. But metal will damage the asphalt. So….

My shovel is plastic with a metal strip out front. It’s about 6-7 years old and still going strong. Costco. Yes, the plastic will eventually wear thin. But that’s years and years in the future. The plastic isn’t thin and sharp, more rounded and thicker, so it’s durable and not really damaging anything.


Amyx231 t1_j5yowcd wrote

I love my bamboo Costco pillows. And the furry body pillows. Not BIFL but the bamboo ones (memory clusters) are still good after 7 years. The body pillows…well one every 3 years is more than good in my book.


Amyx231 t1_j5vfht8 wrote

TLC time. Creams, cleaner, all that good stuff. Fix the zipper. You can get another 20 years out of it!

It looks like your zipper just needs a new pull. I could fix that for $10, just get a like $7 part at Michael’s and pay for my gas. And a soda. Lol. Conditioners and creams aren’t too pricy. I’d say $20 (cleaner, cream), and black Kiwi polish for the color. Or you can use leather dye if you don’t like the idea of shoe polish on your jacket. Mine has had shoe polish on an injury for a decade now.


Amyx231 t1_j2cwu1m wrote

Uhoh. I just remembered I used my dad’s pair for snow shoveling last year. They were his good driving gloves. I got them scratched up and salted. Fudge. Know where I can get similar looking replacements cheap?

I will attest to quality though. They lasted 2 years of heavy winter snow removal use.


Amyx231 t1_j20fv6n wrote

Dang. My mom’s Conair blow dryer from 2004 or 2005 still works. But it only gets used once or twice a year so….

I’ve never actually had electronics die on me. Except computers. And LED battery-operated light strands (tbf, $10 lights lasting almost 3 years of year-round use is pretty impressive). But normal stuff like curling irons still work decades later. It’s just…basic tech. Sturdy. But the OP’s blow dryer probably died die to heat from the clogged vent and insides.