
AndiamoABerlinoBeppe t1_ixu0gs7 wrote

Say what you will about Germany, but their genocidal past is worked through super intensely at school. The concept of „Vergangenheitsbewältigung“ rests on making clear that is was in fact Germans committing the holocaust.


AndiamoABerlinoBeppe t1_ix7w8wj wrote

The episodes are usually not connected, though most detectives have an overarching backstory that sometimes is developed in episodes. Even if such development occurs, it takes a back seat to the main whodunit. So no problem to jump in. Different cities have different detectives and styles, though it could and probably should be more varied. Many Tatorts are fun, but formulaic. Notable exception is the Wiesbaden Tatort, which is experimental and really fresh. People dig the humor of the Münster Tatort. I wish I could give you more on the other cities, but I usually only watch the Wiesbaden ones. But so anyway the point is: no worries, jump right in :)