The trials of the Cuban revolution. Interesting facts about them as well as the roles of Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Che Guevara and the historical forces that drove these events. Submitted by Anglicanpolitics123 t3_yztzlf 2 years ago in history 27 comments 185
When it comes to Cuba's military victory at the Bay of Pigs, does Che Guevara deserve any credit or should it be assigned exclusively to Castro's leadership? Submitted by Anglicanpolitics123 t3_yk1r0q 2 years ago in history 192 comments 819
Historical factors in the 1950s and 60s that made the Cuban revolution and its leaders(Castro and Che) popular in the developing world that I think should be appreciated more. Submitted by Anglicanpolitics123 t3_y0nrhy 2 years ago in history 15 comments 14