It’s fast paced here- why should the pedestrian have to acknowledge the driver if they have the right away?Drivers should just stop. Does a train stop at every railroad crossing to wave at the people stopped for the train?
We have places to be, people to see, we don’t have the time to stop and make sure you’re following the law.
Also like others said, it may just be watching around for other hazards that may happen- like when you slow down to try and communicate with the pedestrian, and the car behind you swerves around you into oncoming traffic because you’re going too slow.
You have a very negative tone, like you’re not going to compromise in any way. That’s fine- but this is the way dc is, so expect it and probably don’t live in a city
Answer_Feisty t1_j2fgqsk wrote
Reply to Your Take on DC Pedestrians? Are they Aloof? by CorporateProvocateur
It’s fast paced here- why should the pedestrian have to acknowledge the driver if they have the right away?Drivers should just stop. Does a train stop at every railroad crossing to wave at the people stopped for the train?
We have places to be, people to see, we don’t have the time to stop and make sure you’re following the law.
Also like others said, it may just be watching around for other hazards that may happen- like when you slow down to try and communicate with the pedestrian, and the car behind you swerves around you into oncoming traffic because you’re going too slow.
You have a very negative tone, like you’re not going to compromise in any way. That’s fine- but this is the way dc is, so expect it and probably don’t live in a city