Applejuiceinthehall t1_j5idk8o wrote
Reply to comment by humvee911 in LPT: A good financial habit to get into is treating money as hours of work. Ask yourself how many hours of work something would take if you buy it. The awareness of the amount of time you put into purchases helps reduce compulsive spending. by humvee911
After you are done, make sure to read "I will teach you to be rich." Vicky Robin is great, but usually it's not the coffee that's keeping you from being rich
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j499m7m wrote
Reply to comment by skytomorrownow in Is time travel going to happen yes or no? by MixOk1458
Just watch CCTV from a year ago?
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j2frawq wrote
Reply to comment by insignificant_ppl in People in the Year 2023, How's It Going so Far? by A_Jonjitsu
Probably means Kiwis
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j2ed2yf wrote
Reply to comment by wildadragon in Your eyes have likely never seen each other except through reflections or pictures by succiestsuccy
Must have been weird 1800s or earlier
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j2a6ujq wrote
Reply to comment by Dannyzavage in Intermittent Fasting significantly reduced systolic blood pressure (SBP), but not diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The effects are likely due to weight loss. by glawgii
It just means that there should be some studies comparing IF to weight loss without IF.
The studies in the meta analysis only had a control group that ate normally but a losing weight group (like calorie deficit).
Then we can see if it's just weight loss or if IF is improves more blood pressure than weight loss alone.
Also, it says that there was no improvement in lipid levels or heart rate.
Also, "(1) the participants included mostly adults with metabolic diseases such as obesity."
So the benefit for overweight or normal weight people might be small or non-existent.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j254z4r wrote
Like a cramp in your stomach, but the most intense cramp. I mostly had back pain, so it was like when back hurts but worse. Also it comes and goes. I think back labor would have been easier but I couldn't walk around much because I was induced so they needed me on monitors
If you are a lady, it's period cramps (uterus does have contraction for period). Contractions vary in labor, so the medium contractions were like bad period cramps.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j1v485n wrote
Reply to LPT: If you are feeling lonely this holiday season, consider volunteering for an organization that helps your fellow humans (or unfortunate animals). If at first you don't like it, try a different organization. It may take a few tries to find out what truly feels good. by ilovemybaldhead
Also recommend animal shelters. They are usually closed but animals still need cuddlers
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j03hjjv wrote
Reply to comment by gibbigabs in Eight weeks of mindfulness training improves adolescents’ attentional control, study finds by chrisdh79
If it's not as effective, then I doubt it will always be preferred.
Also, I didn't say that they needed to be medical intervention. They can just be other behavior techniques.
It still should be studied either way. If mediation is better or the same, then that's great, but if it's not, then we also need to know that too.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j02b4ik wrote
Reply to Eight weeks of mindfulness training improves adolescents’ attentional control, study finds by chrisdh79
It is good against the control group. But I would like to see it against other methods for attention control. Whether that's through drugs or another technique. It is good that its better than relaxation training (the control), but it does not show if it's better than other techniques.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_iyew8zq wrote
Reply to ELI5 why does taking a multi-vitamin on an empty stomach cause nausea, but something like Tylenol doesn’t? by sftysw
Does your mutli-vitamin have iron? Iron can be the reason. I had to switch my prenatal vitamin to before bed during first trimester
Applejuiceinthehall t1_iy8scn6 wrote
Reply to comment by nevamal in People add milk to hot coffee and to iced coffee. People add milk to hot tea. But you never see people put milk in iced tea. by GimmickyBulb
Was going to comment this. It's getting more popular in the US too
Applejuiceinthehall t1_iy6ibhy wrote
Reply to comment by DJGlennW in Boo-boo is slang for a romantic partner, a pet, minor injuries and feces. by Sleep-system
Beau can easily dissolve to beau-beau
Applejuiceinthehall t1_iy6hggd wrote
Reply to comment by i_am_a_loner_dottie in How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? by DescriptionDapper978
The common ancestor of squid and octopus had them so that means octopus lost them
Applejuiceinthehall t1_iy6dkkp wrote
Reply to comment by i_am_a_loner_dottie in How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? by DescriptionDapper978
But have to use squid because octopus don't have tentacles
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixx74h8 wrote
Reply to comment by kenhutson in ELI5: Why does it seem to be harder for women to control their bladders? by RandomKidIsMe
There are two sphincters in the urethra one where the urethra leaves the bladder and one at the pelvic floor. The first one is under involuntary control the second one is voluntary control.
It is silly to say that men's pelvic floor isn't connected. However the pelvic floor does weaken after giving birth
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixw10g2 wrote
Reply to comment by sixfourtykilo in ELI5 How is drinking a diet soda different than drinking plain water when it comes to your health? by LucyLegBeard
It is, but people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day aren't less dehydrated than people who don't drink that much.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixupka5 wrote
Reply to comment by iDiow in ELI5 How is drinking a diet soda different than drinking plain water when it comes to your health? by LucyLegBeard
Aspartame is safe unless you are injecting it in your paws
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixupfag wrote
Reply to comment by russellvt in ELI5 How is drinking a diet soda different than drinking plain water when it comes to your health? by LucyLegBeard
Hfcs and sucrose would not be used for diet sodas. Hfcs and sucrose both include fructose and glucose but sucrose includes a chemical bond that joins the fructose and glucose and hfcs doesn't include the bond.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ixhtfmi wrote
Reply to comment by Porkus_Aurelius in eli5 is there a scientific explanation or reason for intrusive thoughts or call of the void by DapperWheel521
I have heard something similar, that it is the brain simulating what would happen. obviously hard to test something like that so it's just speculation
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ivdi25c wrote
Reply to comment by Miss-Margaret-3000 in TIL that most non-human primate infants actively use their hands to help themselves out of the birth canal. Human infants do not, but their grip strength is much higher during the hours immediately after they are born. by afeeney
Yes, I think that fits better than it impeding women's ability to walk/run.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ivceqf5 wrote
Reply to comment by Frequent-Seaweed4 in TIL that most non-human primate infants actively use their hands to help themselves out of the birth canal. Human infants do not, but their grip strength is much higher during the hours immediately after they are born. by afeeney
But it's only the average because human babies don't have skulls that are 40% of adult skull (which chimps have). If humans were born with that big of skull then women with wider hips would have been selected for and women with narrow hips would have been filtered out
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ivc8ydl wrote
Reply to comment by Frequent-Seaweed4 in TIL that most non-human primate infants actively use their hands to help themselves out of the birth canal. Human infants do not, but their grip strength is much higher during the hours immediately after they are born. by afeeney
That was the idea, but it doesn't pan out when you look at the evidence. Some women can already accommodate that size skull. So if babies were born with a 3 month olds skull, then the selective pressure would be for wider hips.
Because of women with wider hips, we know that their walking/running isn't impeded with wider hips.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_ivbi7ca wrote
Reply to comment by Frequent-Seaweed4 in TIL that most non-human primate infants actively use their hands to help themselves out of the birth canal. Human infants do not, but their grip strength is much higher during the hours immediately after they are born. by afeeney
Actually, humans have the second longest gestation than other great apes adjusted for size.
The skull size ratio for baby humans is 30% of adult size. For chimps, it's 40% of adult size. So, for humans, that would be about the size at 3 months. There are already women who have hip width that can accommodate that.
Additionally, when studying the gait, wider hips do not make women worse walkers/runners.
So it's probably not that babies came out to accommodate women, but that started being born early for another reason and women's hips width is that size because of baby
Applejuiceinthehall t1_iuk2yvs wrote
You need to work backward from your goal. The general rule of thumb is 80% pre retirement income.
So, let's say you need 56,000 a year. Multiple that by 25 you will need 1.4 million. Now, look for a future value calculator online (or you can look up how to do formula on excel). Plug in goal and see how much you need to save yearly. If you are over that amount, then you will have more in retirement, or you will be able to retire early. If you are under, then you need to save more or retire later.
You might also run multiple by 30 or 33 if you want to be conservative.
Finally, if you're thinking, "I'm going to make more than $70k when I retire." You are probably correct. The way to deal with this is that every time you get a non-cost of living raise, you need to save half of the raise. Doing this means you are saving for your lifestyle creep. You don't need to save cost-of-living raises, but you can if you want.
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j694hrw wrote
Reply to comment by ilovedrivethrus in LPT-A creative way of punishing children, is to get the them to write a 100 words about a topic and print it for you. It can be something about their life, interests, or goals. It will engage them for just a short time. Keep and later return in a folder. Parents can use instead of grounding. by Ricwil12
You can force a grounding but not a writing assignment