
ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j2fjitc wrote

You're right and it absolutely sucks that they don't. That is a wound I don't think will ever actually heal.

I'm OK with it now. I'm pretty happy. But I'm still going through therapy so sometimes I will uncover traumatic shit they did to me and the wound comes open again. And I'll hate them and cry and be depressed and wonder what I did wrong. Why couldn't they just love me?

The fault isn't with me. It's with them. They're incapable of being anything other than abusive and toxic. I don't need that in my life. No one does.

If we truly want happiness and peace, we can't have people like this in our lives. Even if they're our parents.


ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j2du8em wrote

Wow. So let me get this straight.

This man made you feel lower than dirt. You changed yourself for him. Now he's upset that you're trying to get revenge in him. Do I have that right?

Why the actual fuck are you with someone who talked to you like this and treated you like this?

I'm not saying it's bad that you lost weight. Losing 100lbs is a huge deal. Congratulations. But this whole man is a red flag parade, and you feeling the need to get back at him shows you still hold resentment toward him.

Do you think this is a healthy dynamic? Bc it's not.

And then he threatened you. "If you're doing this to get back at me you won't like how this ends." Oh so he could chase other girls, fap in bed to them, flirt with them online, message ex girlfriends, refuse to touch you, verbally abuse you, but you posted sexy pics online - the exact same thing he was getting off to - and suddenly it's not OK??

I don't even expect you to see how hypocritical and disgusting this is. One thing I learned is that people get on here expecting advice to fix broken situations that they refuse to leave. And that's their choice. I won't advise against it.

Instead I'm gonna go hug my bf and tell him I love him. He would never talk to me or treat me like this.

I know my worth. OP you need to find yours.


ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j2a8ch5 wrote

Been NC with my parents for 2.5 years.

Blocked them, changed my number, moved on.

One of them emailed me once. I printed out her email and kept it as a reminder of why I'm NC with her. But I never replied. No matter how many times they tried to contact me and what avenues they used, I never replied.

Eventually they stopped altogether.

ANY reply is going to make them continue, bc now they know if they pester you hard enough they'll get a response out of you.

Don't respond.


ApplesxandxCinnamon t1_j29berg wrote

This is so bizarre.

I know some people are ashamed of masturbating. I know why. But dude you literally caught her with her hand in the cookie jar and she denied it to the point that you think you're developing a mental illness.

That is beyond concerning. That is giant red flag waving in the wind while nuclear explosions go off in the background.

And she's choosing this as her hill to die on? She's willing to risk her relationship over this?

You said this behavior aligns with other narcissistic traits. If this is true and it's enough for you to think you need to end it, then end it.

I personally would not marry anyone who gaslights me, especially over sex.