Aristocrafied t1_jdqea7i wrote
Reply to comment by anamariapapagalla in The two retinas are tied/linked together in the brain. Are they tied 1:1, so that each retinal point corresponds to the same retinal point in the other eye? I.e., each retinal point from one eye shares the same binocular neuron with its counterpoint in the other eye? by ch1214ch
How is it when you cover your dominant eye? When I just cover my lazy eye it feels like I am looking from my good eyes side alone. But when I cover my good eye it feels like the image is imposed onto that same side. I've been told by the doctor my brain has allocated more to my dominant eye on the cortex so I guess that makes sense as the bad eye sort of 'complements' the good one.
Aristocrafied t1_jdn1i71 wrote
Reply to The two retinas are tied/linked together in the brain. Are they tied 1:1, so that each retinal point corresponds to the same retinal point in the other eye? I.e., each retinal point from one eye shares the same binocular neuron with its counterpoint in the other eye? by ch1214ch
Not the scientific answer you seek but: I have a lazy eye that sits at about +6 I don't know if that is when it is focussed to the max or when relaxed. But I notice when I cover my good eye, objects are a lot smaller. So it can't have a one to one ratio with my good eye.
Aristocrafied t1_jd8y29u wrote
Reply to comment by gkamyshev in unwelcomed guest by me by shov3lh3ad
This is indeed the meme style of the naughties and tens
Aristocrafied t1_jctlprp wrote
Not a fan but I was expecting the car to be back in the front competing at least..
Aristocrafied t1_jave5c4 wrote
Reply to comment by ShadowDV in [OC] Argentina & Venezuela Produce More Cheese Than Switzerland by latinometrics
As a Dutchman I would like to taste some Wisconsin cheese to test that hypothesis
Aristocrafied t1_ja9qj55 wrote
So it's revealing that you're one of those alien invaders from They Live?
Aristocrafied t1_ja6pse6 wrote
Reply to TIL On long-haul flights, flight attendants have hidden sleeping areas above the passenger compartment. by real_zexy_specialist
Thanks for soaking up the radiation
Aristocrafied t1_j8ed9hp wrote
wowthanksimcured! I really have time, money and energy after a full work week to do anything other than locking myself away at home..
Aristocrafied t1_j76ihpn wrote
Aristocrafied t1_j6awmac wrote
Reply to comment by krahk in Technology hasn't made things easier, it's made us work longer, harder, and for less money. by [deleted]
However much we all come to hate capitalism there is no denying it's the best we've come up with so far despite it's glaring faults. Every day less and less people are at or below the poverty line. Productivity is through the roof compared to even decades ago let alone centuries. Survival used to be a non stop affair, now for more and more it's "only" 8 hours of wage slaving a day.
Aristocrafied t1_j4x5yiq wrote
Reply to [Image] Do it scared by kriskoeh
Aristocrafied t1_j4x5x66 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [Image] Do it scared by kriskoeh
Don't worry boy, I'm scared too!
Aristocrafied t1_j1522iz wrote
Yeah, as near as makes no difference, nobody achieves that..
Aristocrafied t1_jdut28e wrote
Reply to comment by Looxond in [WP] Years ago, your mentor said, "Kid, there's a small secret when it comes to magic. You can literally make shit up and it'll usually work. Makes the guys who actually take it seriously really pissed off." Today, you're one of the least respected, and most powerful, mages in the land. by Prompt_Dude
I second this, not too long ago I believe