
Aristocrafied t1_jdqea7i wrote

How is it when you cover your dominant eye? When I just cover my lazy eye it feels like I am looking from my good eyes side alone. But when I cover my good eye it feels like the image is imposed onto that same side. I've been told by the doctor my brain has allocated more to my dominant eye on the cortex so I guess that makes sense as the bad eye sort of 'complements' the good one.


Aristocrafied t1_jdn1i71 wrote

Not the scientific answer you seek but: I have a lazy eye that sits at about +6 I don't know if that is when it is focussed to the max or when relaxed. But I notice when I cover my good eye, objects are a lot smaller. So it can't have a one to one ratio with my good eye.


Aristocrafied t1_j6awmac wrote

However much we all come to hate capitalism there is no denying it's the best we've come up with so far despite it's glaring faults. Every day less and less people are at or below the poverty line. Productivity is through the roof compared to even decades ago let alone centuries. Survival used to be a non stop affair, now for more and more it's "only" 8 hours of wage slaving a day.