Arokthis t1_j9nuf6y wrote
Reply to comment by Working_Ad_4650 in Started saving my cat’s shedded whiskers on my pin board. by BrewCoven
For the same reason parents save their children's baby teeth and first haircut - memories.
Arokthis t1_iyacjxr wrote
Reply to LPT Request: Reapplying Bumper Sticker by bunnicul4
Get it laminated. You can then stick it to the inside of the glass and reposition it whenever you want.
Arokthis t1_ixy9q5e wrote
Reply to comment by Lelouch25 in My local grocery store has a bacon aisle right between all the produce by ARIES1124
It may not be cheaper (by weight) at first glance, but it's worth the money between fat loss and saving lots of aggravation.
Arokthis t1_ixy9l25 wrote
Reply to comment by graceful_london in My local grocery store has a bacon aisle right between all the produce by ARIES1124
It may not be cheaper (by weight) at first glance, but it's worth the money between fat loss and saving lots of aggravation.
Arokthis t1_irhdful wrote
Reply to comment by dkb52 in New study provides additional evidence that live human-animal therapy interactions may boost cognitive and emotional activity in the brain. by Sariel007
Yeah. My first thought from reading the title was "No shit, Sherlock!"
Arokthis t1_irhdd7j wrote
Reply to New study provides additional evidence that live human-animal therapy interactions may boost cognitive and emotional activity in the brain. by Sariel007
Known as "fuzz therapy" by a lot of people.
Arokthis t1_j9nupzg wrote
Reply to Started saving my cat’s shedded whiskers on my pin board. by BrewCoven
A test tube with stopper or a cleaned "Chubby" soda bottle is a good way to store them safely.