
t1_ix1dqv9 wrote

Were cupcakes designed to kill people?

It's unfortunate but the entire American culture is built on violence. Without it the country is lost, has no home. So I get why you think it's necessary. It's just unfortunate that America will always be that country hitting itself going "this hurts! If only there was a way to stop doing it!"


t1_ix0k9il wrote

Yeah... Imagine fighting for the right to abort a fetus that isn't welcome in the world, only for it to grow up and get killed by someone who thought their right to end lives is more important than someone's right to abort a life and prevent a life of suffering. What fucking lunatics.


t1_ix0cpd7 wrote

By individual, I mean individual entity within the country; as opposed to supporting what's best for everyone, the mentality is focused on what I as an individual want. Granted that mentality doesn't always work out well for people that don't have a voice.

America could really benefit from socialism.


t1_ix05afs wrote

this is true. For being a country that claims to be as patriotic as America does, it's probably one of the least patriotic countries in the world. There's very little support for the country, and a LOT of support for individuality. And when you encourage the individual instead of the population you run into a lot of problems.


t1_ix04xb2 wrote

Yeah but the awkward part about these polls is that people will eat dog shit if their political party told them to. There's been countless times (Especially in recent times like with Trump) where people argued for something that they believed their political leader of choice said, but then found out afterwards it was their opposition that said.

I can imagine one in five Americans would vote that they're in favor of taxes too... But in the end, it's needed. Like it or not. Just like keeping Americans safe.


But I do agree it would cause a tyranny. And as unfortunate as it is, some people will just have to die for their beliefs. It's a common thing in American history, and all the power to them... but you can't have a progressive country with those radical beliefs running rampant within it.