
Avahna t1_j52mh2d wrote

I agree with almost everything you said. I don't think Victoire's section should have been moved, though, since without some changing it wouldn't make sense. >!I'm referring to how that section showed her escape.!<

One issue I have with the book is that it kept telling us everything that was going on instead of showing us. I loved the beginning, but it really lagged in the middle. The text kept saying, "They were best friends" but didn't give enough in-scene examples for me to believe this. It left me feeling unconnected to the side characters even though the book was 545 pages. >!My lack of connection was so bad that when Ramy died I nearly yawned and said "Moving on."!< I wish that instead of pages of summary, we got pages of small scenes with the characters. Instead of telling me they were studying/eating at a cafe, tell us the conversations they had.

Even though the ending was emotional, I feel like I was more sympathetic to the characters because of the situation going on and not because I felt for the characters themselves.

I also agree with the person that said the scene with Letty was odd. I was thinking, >!"Someone go with her. She's going to snitch."!<

It could have been one of the best books I ever read, but it ended up being okay. I gave it 3/5 stars, and my friend gave it 2/5.


Avahna t1_iub0jpb wrote

I am a person that does not care if characters are likable or relatable; they just have to be good (as in written well.) These characters didn't fulfill my requirement, so that is where my dislike for them appeared. I, personally, hated the repetition of Cat describing the characters. "Philip, the perfect one, the valedictorian, the star, etc." I believe this description is said about three times.

Ma'am, this book is only about 120 pages long and could be shorter without the constant reminders. This was said two pages ago. I didn't forget.

I agree that the ending was rushed. I thought something was up with it when it was $5 at B&N. I think if this was a video game, I may have liked it. I imagined it as a game similar to Until Dawn or The Quarry, and that helped me get through it along with the fact that it is so short.