
AwesomeDragon97 t1_j66jkom wrote

I don’t think competing for resources is that much of an issue, considering how large the universe and even our galaxy alone is. The earth can probably handle around 15 billion people before we start to have any issues, and we are unlikely to reach anywhere near that number with birth rates declining globally, even if we achieve biological immortality in a few decades.


AwesomeDragon97 t1_j3nraqj wrote

Yes, you own the land from the surface up to right below federal airspace (so someone can’t build an overhang over your property or fly a drone over your property without trespassing on your land or public airspace). In addition, at least theoretically if you also have mineral rights to the land you own all of the land from the surface to the core of the earth in an upside down pyramid shape.


AwesomeDragon97 t1_j1t0246 wrote

One way we could do it would be that anyone who owns land worth under $5,000,000 shouldn’t be taxed for it at all, but the tax should exponentially increase after that. Alternatively we could just ditch property tax entirely and instead put a cap on the amount of land you can rent out at any given moment, which would prevent billionaires from creating a feudal serf class.


AwesomeDragon97 t1_j0in8tg wrote

-Russia signs a ceasefire with Ukraine, or fighting slows down with no official ceasefire. -No change or coup in Belarus since it is an unofficial Russian province. -Either a regime change in Iran or the protests slow down (regime change or reform is likely when Khamenei dies from old age). -Fusion is still 20+ years away. -Stable Diffusion and other ai art generators improve, but are still flawed. -Western governments (excluding the US probably) pass more draconian laws limiting free speech. -TikTok is banned in the US. -Finland and Sweden join NATO. -Erdogan will likely lose the Turkish election unless he rigs it. -At least one medical breakthrough relating to cancer and/or Alzheimer’s. -3d printing houses is found to be not cost effective and bad for the environment due to the concrete usage, and so it never takes off. -Something in the news about Donald Trump. -Batteries still suck. -Apple forced to allow Sideloading in the EU and possibly the rest of the world. -Solar power gets marginally cheaper, but still inferior to nuclear power. -China removes more remaining pandemic-era restrictions.


AwesomeDragon97 t1_is2qn8w wrote

Faster speeds: I haven’t heard anything about electric cars driving faster, but it doesn’t really matter since highway speed limits are way slower than the maximum speed of modern cars.

Longer range: Electric cars currently have a significantly shorter range than gas cars since batteries are less energy dense than gasoline. Either battery energy density will improve or we will switch to hydrogen instead.

Cheaper: Most electric cars are much more expensive than a gasoline car of equivalent specifications.

More quiet: You are correct on this one.

Less maintenance: There are less moving parts which usually equates to less maintenance, however the massive cost of replacing the battery every ten or so years will eliminate any advantages in this area.

Better for the planet: It depends. If the grid is using mostly renewables and nuclear then yes, but if the grid is mostly coal then it won’t be better for the planet. Plus you also have to account for the environmental issues regarding creating and disposing lithium ion batteries.

No social tension: I don’t really know exactly what you mean by this, but it electric cars won’t magically solve climate change or something.