
Awkward_Ad75 t1_j4zjeyz wrote

Summoning a demon was probaply the wrong word more like controlling the cloud of flying Chickenwings into the shape of a giant chicken as you sat down in front of the Circle made of pommes with a burger covered in ketchup. They did not know you where an ancient imortal. They did not know your where an ancient imortal necromancer. Beeing able to move bones ways pretty usefull in this case . As you crushed the managers head and squished the Karens face into a bloody lump with a smile. She would never ever harrass a worker again. As you open the gasvalves of all the ovens while the giant chicken-look-a-like colapsed relived from your control as you didnt need it anymore you lit a cigare walking out of the restaurant watching this hell of a place burn to the ground . No one left alive to tell the tale of what happend you sent an application to the next fastfoodplace. It was the 3rd time this had happened why did it have to be so hard finding a chill job? You probaply would never find out but killing bad people and using chicken wings as a weapon of muder to keep your abilitys in shape from time to time wasnt so bad after all.


Awkward_Ad75 t1_j4uit23 wrote

What they did not realise though was, that humans where capable of diplomacy on a level that has never been seen before as well as something that was an even bigger shock to everyone : Humans had nuclear weapons which was something no other race had ever managed to even comprehend in its function. Humans tried negotiating piece between the different races at first . But when Humans actually managed to make a deal with the other states of the galaxy the rouge-state turned on them and attacked them too . Humanity didn’t even bother to attempt diplomatic solutions in this case . They sent a single ship. The Rouges laughed at them and ignored it till the very second humans unleashed hell and the nuclear-space-torpedo breached through the attacking forces energy-shield and blew up as bright as a sun, disintegrating the whole attacking fleet with a single blow. One FTL-travel later the Ship started engaging with the rouges planetary defence-system destroying it with easy within 3 hours their whole space-army was wiped out and they surrendered. Humans took control and got the population back from being war-hungry rouges to a calm species. And while the other galactic states where still in shock humans started assembling an intergalactic council with members of all races to prevent any future wars.