
BakeMeACakeBitch t1_jdtmwbt wrote

You backtracked when you switched from “only seems to happen with apple” to “not only with apple”. I have no brand loyalty to apple. However, i do have a nintendo switch that i got on launch day. I remember seeing nintendo put out a warning about cheap cables. Source. And I remember seeing some posts on r/Nintendo and r/NintendoSwitch about dead switches. In general, you should know the details about the cables you buy and use.

Why are you so aggressive? Calm down. No one is attacking you.


BakeMeACakeBitch t1_jdsyw1s wrote

> Only with apple tho it seems

Well since youve already back-tracked on this statement, are you aware the nintendo switch uses usb-c? Remember earlier when i said the nintendo switch is known for having issues with cheap cords?

> Back in the days of micro usb, sure.. but there aren’t really many cases of it happening with usb-c.

You still sure about that?