
BeneLeit t1_j2evocv wrote

I haven't read that one, but I have an issue with her books that I have read. (The Nightingale, The Four Winds, The Great Alone.)

She tells great stories and opens up subjects worth exploring, but her dialogue writing is terrible. It makes her characters less believable and takes me out of the story.

I "hear" dialogue when I read, as if the character is speaking. It often doesn't work for me at all when she has her characters speak.

She is lauded as such a terrific writer by so many, but this element holds me back from agreeing 100%.


BeneLeit t1_j260dm6 wrote

I couldn't finish when I tried several years ago. It was always being referred to as the epitome of women's empowerment, and so deep and meaningful, etc. I felt like I was really missing something, having never read it!

And then I tried, and gave up in frustration. Soooo many words, so over the top, so pretentious. I could not get past the writing style and general vibe.

I'm sure it has some valuable stuff in it, and I totally get that for some women, it might really hit the mark. Not for me, though.

(Ironically, I felt more empowered by giving myself permission not to read it! 😆)