BerkelMarkus t1_jdzaa8m wrote
Reply to Paradoxically, what makes you unique is your relation to other people. The more robustly we try to identify who we are, the more we become embedded in all others. by IAI_Admin
How is this paradoxical in any way? The more clearly you try to define cold, the more clearly that definition is tied to heat.
Plus, this is a completely obvious result from social networks (not the Faceshit and Twitshit nonsense) but from mathematical models as far back as the 40’s. We can individuate; ie identify, people based on their social network.
BerkelMarkus t1_jd7tdnh wrote
Reply to comment by kagoolx in LPT: If you're buying a house still under construction, photograph everything before the sheetrock goes up. Knowing exactly where the pipes, wires, and ducts are may prove invaluable some day, and even if you never use them the next owner will appreciate it. by Needleroozer
Wow. It’s like building architects and software architects should get together and figure out some standards on how to document stuff.
BerkelMarkus t1_j9kd8yw wrote
LOL what a great wholesome use of this meme.
BerkelMarkus t1_j8trnpr wrote
Reply to comment by Mustelafan in You're probably a eugenicist by 4r530n
IDK if you're missing my point or just being flip (as I was) for internet points. But, on the off chance you missed the point, sexual selection selects for a ton of sociability traits.
So, unless you think sexual selection is Orwellian on its own, I'm not really sure what your point is.
BerkelMarkus t1_j8tgviy wrote
Reply to comment by Mustelafan in You're probably a eugenicist by 4r530n
Have you tried dating?
BerkelMarkus t1_jedrzi8 wrote
Reply to LPT: Since April 1st is coming up. A good tip to live by is that everyone should be able to laugh at your prank at the end. If everyone ends up laughing at the person getting pranked, and they are just the punchline, chances are you're just being a jerk. Don't be a jerk. by moosepooo
LPT: Don’t prank people.