
BerkelMarkus t1_jdzaa8m wrote

How is this paradoxical in any way? The more clearly you try to define cold, the more clearly that definition is tied to heat.

Plus, this is a completely obvious result from social networks (not the Faceshit and Twitshit nonsense) but from mathematical models as far back as the 40’s. We can individuate; ie identify, people based on their social network.


BerkelMarkus t1_jd7tdnh wrote


BerkelMarkus t1_j8trnpr wrote

Reply to comment by Mustelafan in You're probably a eugenicist by 4r530n

IDK if you're missing my point or just being flip (as I was) for internet points. But, on the off chance you missed the point, sexual selection selects for a ton of sociability traits.

So, unless you think sexual selection is Orwellian on its own, I'm not really sure what your point is.