
t1_ja4gy8h wrote

Nice, typical sore loser who tries to come at someone personally instead of bringing facts and experience to the table. Here we go…

  1. DM me and I’ll give you my social media and you can figure me out for yourself. I became an EMT during the pandemic to help out. And in case you didn’t know becoming an EMT required schooling. (In case you didn’t know there is a shortage in EMT’s in Boston, they don’t make good money but definitely an important part of our infrastructure, maybe you can get certified so you can help out during the outbreak and learn a bit about health while helping your community instead of arguing with them and spewing opinions about things you have no experience in).

  2. Who are you to tell me what I have and haven’t done?

  3. Where did I ever claim to be an expert in anything.

  4. Where did I say he needed comcast? I said he needs access to fiber internet which he doesn’t have without a fiber lines. Sure he has ACCESS the same way I have access to a gas line IF I PAY FOR IT. A buyer will and can use that as a point of negotiation.

  5. You need to grow up and stop trying to be right. You’re literally saying I claimed things I never claimed or said. And you’re misconstruing things to try to make your point. You’re investigating my page knowing nothing about my background and honestly man seems kind of sick that you’re trying to come at me personally to make your point.

  6. You know so little about real estate you can’t realize that I’m not a jack of all trades I’m just well licensed and certified as an investor. If you knew anything about what you were saying you wouldn’t have commented on a subject you have no professional experience in. A jack of all trades would be a contractor who claims he knows tile, carpentry etc. i just hire the right people… it’s called contracting. I buy and sell my own homes why not save 2-6% on ever sale by not having to pay sales commissions.

  7. You’re just mad I gave you what you were asking for. You make false claims to defend yourself. Calling me a boy? All you need is my name yet you’re going off about things that I am and have said that aren’t even true. Learn to take a loss.


I guess you don’t know the concept of aging and having various occupations throughout your life to broaden your skillset. Luckily I do and don’t have to go around trying to tell others how their job works and spewing information I know nothing about. Luckily I broadened my skills and grew through life.

Next time try to discuss with facts. And try to be even slightly experienced in things you try to educate others in. I’m all set with responding to you.

Also since you’re stalking, you’ll find I also was a financial planner, crazy how it all connects as an investor whos an aspiring philanthropist. Yup I do 3D printing too cause wouldn’t it be great if I could 3D print homes and Im also back to school to become a licensed engineer. You’re making me blush because you find it impossible to be me.

If anything your biggest take away from this should be that you should continue to educate yourself beyond the bare minimum.


t1_ja4dtix wrote

Here you go buddy. I’m sorry you don’t know how to use the internet. Also this is about having access to fiber. If OP denies there won’t be access. It’s sad instead of admitting you’re wrong you have to claim I “made it up”. Get real.

I’ll ask one more time since you keep ignoring it. What background do you have to make such claim?


t1_ja4c708 wrote

Or you can look it up because I’m not going to reference the dozens of lenders that do the study. It’s honestly what you should have done before commenting.

Again, What is the background that you have to make such claim?

I’ll start with mine, Realtor-investor-contractor..


t1_ja42i05 wrote

Quicken loans(and many other lenders) say they conducted a study and access to fiber internet can increase your homes value by an average of 3.1%

In todays world many businesses are adding work from home positions. While many high paying positions need access to employees sporadically. It does not come to a surprise that internet access makes a home more valuable as it’s become and “essential” part of life.

It’s very typical for people to believe the only things that add value are updating a bathroom/kitchen but home values go way beyond that.

What background do you have to make this claim?


t1_ja40guj wrote

I think it comes down to people understanding he’s upset that no one called him and asked and explained what is actually being done, I would also be upset and suspicious.

While on the other hand he’s saying no to something that is free and will be covered up practically instantly after the work is done (many of us know what this entails, while OP believes it to be a traumatic event to his lawn) and that may cost him or someone else much more down the road if he chooses not to allow it.

However everyone is downvoting for their own reasons. It just seems a bit dramatic to me. (I’ve had this done to me)