
BigPanic8841 t1_j26c6la wrote

The games are really really good. Even X (although don’t play that for the story because it’s not anything special). Definitely play them in order for the full experience, especially as you’ll get more out of xc3.

I’d rank them xb1>xb3>xb2>xbx

Xb1: Has the most consistent story for me making it the best and the gameplay is the perfect mix of hard to learn but satisfying to master. The party are really good too and the twists and villains are sublime.

Xb2: Took me 4yrs but partly cause I dropped it early on and didn’t play for a few years until I came back. If you can get through the super cliche anime tropes of the first half of the game it’ll be worth it. Shit really picks up once u get to chapter 5. The combat is fun but really confusing and the game doesn’t explain it very well and field skills are bullshit that shouldn’t be in the game. Has the better villains of the series

Xb3: The story peaks just a little too soon making the last couple chapters a trek but the finale pays off for it. I like the villains but there’s only 2 out of the group that are really worth it and are great. (The big bad doesn’t get fleshed out until u finally meet them at the end). Probably the best party in the series as they’re all really fleshed out and the gameplay is so fun. It looks complex but it’s acc really easy once u figure it out. You’ll defo get more out of this if u play the prior games.

Xbx: The combat and exploration and skells are the only real selling point here. I guess Elma is pretty badass tho.

I’m conclusion, play them in order, they’re really worth your time, try x if u want but it’s not really necessary :)