BillyShears2015 t1_ja0fms5 wrote
Reply to comment by SunliMin in This cafe bill comes with a hint for splitting the cost by qwertymanman
Right….so if American restaurants just started adding gratuity printed to the ticket all of y’all’s asinine complaints would stop huh? Give me a break.
BillyShears2015 t1_ja01ub8 wrote
Reply to comment by GSPilot in This cafe bill comes with a hint for splitting the cost by qwertymanman
Do European’s not understand that gratuity and a tip is the same thing? Is that why they’re always bitching about about US tip culture?
BillyShears2015 t1_j7j3clb wrote
Reply to comment by sik0fewl in George W. Bush morning jog on September 11, 2001 by hungHub
We did, we just made fun of “old dudes” who still wore shorts like that. Now, those shorts are back in style and we’re the old dudes because our shorts are all long and lame. The wheel of karma never stops turning
BillyShears2015 t1_ivonivy wrote
Reply to comment by inactiveuser247 in More people are employed in clean energy than in fossil fuels by kickresume
Relative to its competition (whale oil, burning logs, etc.) when it was still nascent, fossil fuels were still leaps and bounds more efficient in labor input vs. energy output, that’s why they became and remain dominant. Renewable’s competitive advantage going forward will be their distributed nature that increases system resiliency and reliability.
BillyShears2015 t1_it9485v wrote
Reply to comment by Smoe1981 in [Image] Sometimes failure is brought on by oneself. by IanAgate
Doped for 4 years. All you need are some performance enhancers my dude!
BillyShears2015 t1_jccz6bh wrote
Reply to comment by ERSTF in [OC] "The Last of Us" S1 episodes rating by IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes by Probio
It was 40 minutes of good content stretched into an hour. Needed a B plot to break it up.