
Bisjoux t1_je93vm0 wrote

It means never having to worry about what would happen when you get sick. An example is my blood cancer treatment. Tests in local hospital including various scans and procedures.

In patient treatment in local hospital. Out patient and in patient treatment in London hospital which is designated an international centre of excellence. Life long monitoring. Taxis sent by hospital to collect me when I’ve needed to be admitted. Completely free drugs all the time. Even some really expensive ones (over £1,000 per week for one and I was on multiple different drugs).

Never having to worry about my care at any stage. Even now I’m in remission I still have regular check ups. Recently I had a routine orthopaedic operation. Due to my medical history the anaesthetist wanted to discuss some blood test results with my haematology consultant. Different hospitals in different parts of the country. All resolved the same day.

Same for pregnancy. Son born premature and very ill. Never a question of cost for treatment and monthly appointments with a consultant for first 5 years of his life. All completely free.