Blank_bill t1_jden5e6 wrote
Reply to comment by Global_Lavishness_88 in Does the metal in the solid core of a rocky planet have any special properties? by VillagerNo4
Is the reason they are rare is that they are Siderophilic ?
Blank_bill t1_ja5axvf wrote
Reply to comment by djublonskopf in Is there an animal with a brain but no heart? by No-Film-1078
Amazing, I wouldn't have thought that they had even that complex a brain.
Blank_bill t1_j92wkg4 wrote
Reply to comment by Science-Compliance in Where does space really begin? Chinese spy balloon highlights legal fuzziness of ‘near space’ by HarpuasGhost
It's the rocets that go not the balloon. I could just see a rocket dragging a balloon behind it.
Blank_bill t1_j921s3f wrote
Reply to comment by Science-Compliance in Where does space really begin? Chinese spy balloon highlights legal fuzziness of ‘near space’ by HarpuasGhost
I'm an old coot ,I remember before we had space ( well except for people like Von Braun) but if you can get there in a balloon it's not space.
Blank_bill t1_j8ox1mb wrote
Reply to comment by themeatbridge in TIL that the phrase "It was a dark and stormy night" was the opening line to an actual novel published in 1830, but runs on for another 51 words: "It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which..." by dylancatlow
That would be a Florida Man novel . Most excellent.
Blank_bill t1_j6koeuy wrote
Reply to comment by purpleRN in Anne Murray at the Troubadour “right in the middle of these guys who were totally all three sheets to the wind” 1973 by eaglemaxie
It was pointless.
Blank_bill t1_ixd9q8e wrote
Reply to comment by Kerfudamapa in Just how dark is deep space? by ArmchairSpinDoctor
Depends on how powerful a laser it is, if it's strong enough to ionize the material a spectrometer will give you an idea of what it's made of, if not the glare will only tell you something is there.
Blank_bill t1_ixaaher wrote
Reply to comment by Kerfudamapa in Just how dark is deep space? by ArmchairSpinDoctor
Just scan ahead of you with a 1meter laser as it boils off a mm of whatever you'll see it.
Blank_bill t1_ix6atuu wrote
Reply to This little known - image of a meandering squiggle of high-altitude clouds on Saturn was captured by Cassini spacecraft on July 18, 2010. Credit: NASA, JPL,CCaltech, SSI, JP Major by MistWeaver80
Is that Slartibartfasts signature, Saturn must have Fjiords.
Blank_bill t1_iwj5hyf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manitoba Canada 1970s by Passaro
Blank_bill t1_iwj5hbn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manitoba Canada 1970s by Passaro
Blank_bill t1_iwj548k wrote
Reply to comment by CornflakeofDoom in Manitoba Canada 1970s by Passaro
Sorry, I read that as " totally naked " , had to go back to the top to see how I missed that.
Blank_bill t1_iwj53u1 wrote
Reply to comment by CornflakeofDoom in Manitoba Canada 1970s by Passaro
Sorry, I read that as " totally naked " , had to go back to the top to see how I missed that.
Blank_bill t1_iujihun wrote
Reply to comment by shillyshally in Connie Willis by ricocrispies
It was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure it was the same name, I don't remember the radio program or if it's still available on CBC.
Blank_bill t1_iujh1rm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Connie Willis by ricocrispies
I don't think Imdb tracks radio plays.
Blank_bill t1_iuja5iv wrote
Reply to comment by shillyshally in Connie Willis by ricocrispies
Bellwether was adapted by CBC radio shortly after it came out.
Blank_bill t1_jdeyrpa wrote
Reply to comment by aphilsphan in Does the metal in the solid core of a rocky planet have any special properties? by VillagerNo4
Thank you