
BlatantFalsehood t1_iyrclgb wrote

This. If democracy survives, the Roberts Court will go down in history as the most illegimate, corrupt court ever.

And I HATE that Roberts thinks the issue is the Roe decision and that we just don't like it. BULL. I have been a SCOTUS fan for years, despite numerous rulings I didn't like. Bush v. Gore, anyone?

This court is illegimate because:

  • Roberts shows no leadership. Leaks anyone?
  • Three justices were appointed by someone who was installed by a foreign government and did not win the majority of the popular vote
  • Justices leak regularly and give politicwl speeches
  • One justice's wife was part of a plan to overturn a free and fair election, and he didn't bother to recuse himself from related cases.
  • Even after all of this, Roberts doesn't see a need for a SCOTUS code of ethics.

Roberts, if you don't see the corruption in this, you are blind.