
BlurryBigfoot74 t1_jeamkqc wrote

I tried reading Tolkien while in the hospital. It's written in a style I thought was cold and disengaging. I found myself wanting to skip the singing stanzas.

While I love the plots of Tolkien's books, I could never enjoy the delivery.

The only time besides Forrest Gump when I liked the movie better than the book.


BlurryBigfoot74 t1_je7rhqo wrote

And they can target citizens from different countries with different suggestions.

Apparently Chinese tik tok is very educational.

Here in Canada, before I trained my algorithm, I saw a lot of boobs and political vids on a fresh account. Lots of young people dancing. Very mindless stuff.

The internet can be a tool of positive change if owners took a more active role against misinformation . America had the market cornered with Facebook, Twitter and snapchat. China knows what westerners want to see. If garbage is what you demand, garbage is what you get.


BlurryBigfoot74 t1_j1egz13 wrote

There's internal narcissism and external narcissism. Some traits of narcissism overlap with mentally healthy people like having a large circle of friends.

Quite often people are called narcissists when they're just highly confident people.

Narcissism gets thrown around a lot, quite often having nothing to do with what psychologists consider narcissm.


BlurryBigfoot74 t1_iwgzsig wrote

I can reach back with my tongue and scoop them out. Never knew they smelled until one day I kept one and squished it in my fingers. I nearly died after smelling it. It's like bad breath times 4 million.

Sometimes when they're really big you can reach back with your finger and press the perfect spot to eject it.

Recently my doctor looked in my throat and asked when I had my tonsils removed. Said they were never removed, but I did pick that crap out of them all the time. He was fascinated. You never like hearing a doctor say "wow". I'd prefer if my doctor yawned from boredom the whole time.


BlurryBigfoot74 t1_irtbfl2 wrote

They love beating up on the poor. Welfare takes billions of tax dollars out of rich people's pockets.

I remember a while back there was a push on social media to have all people on welfare drug tested. A few politicians even picked up on it.

Then someone did the math. It would have cost a lot of money in tests to catch a small sliver of people. You don't hear it being pushed as hard anymore. Expect for the ones who just can't do math.