
Bodymaster t1_jdv4xur wrote

>D’Angelo reached out to Pavlovich through an unnamed intermediary. “He would come in here [Rockstar’s New York city office] and just play the game. We weren’t even talking about doing music,” Pavlovich says. “When D’Angelo comes through, he shows up at midnight, and he’s playing the game until four in the morning. Each time he was just like, ‘it’s incredible.’ It just blows his mind. He’s such a fan. I have never seen someone that excited.”

That's not really the same as the job that actual playtesters do. Like I doubt he was spending his 4 hours in Strawberry logging collision detection inconsistencies with horses and various types of fences.


Bodymaster t1_j19hq8n wrote

Reply to Let It Be by mrgoyette

Yeah, technically speaking Ringo was the most accomplished musician in that band. I'd only say Lennon was the average musician, and he himself acknowledged that.

Check out Let It Be... Naked if you haven't already. It's a version of the album with all the horrible Spector crap taken off. The Long And Winding Road is much better without the strings.