
BonusMiserable1010 t1_j9pxehq wrote

Thankfully, I have yet to have challenging trip because I don't play around with set and setting when it comes to psychedelics. But, I have enough evidence that life is so much easier to navigate while mezzo/macro dosing than when I am not.


BonusMiserable1010 t1_j8x01k4 wrote

If emotions and reason are deeply connected, then maybe we should stop placing so much on the promise of objective rationality, especially since the concept of reason itself isn't entirely objective in the first place.


BonusMiserable1010 t1_j37i234 wrote

I am beginning to think that human consciousness can be reconcilable if there is no attempt made for transcending human-ness; but, a serious attempt made instead for obtaining a good and informed human existence. I think this also means accepting that human consciousness is not fundamental and primary to all else; there is nothing exemplary about humanity and its particular kind of consciousness despite what our history suggests.